HOPES Here Our Problems, Easy Solutions
Music Bridge between East and West
Guess the city: a cultural trip around Europe
Confluence: Knowing what you know helps me to grow
Geburtstagslieder – Chansons d’anniversaire
Do you remember that profession?
Words: The art of Cre@ting memories
Your-o-Visions – Beam me to 2027
Beam me to 2027 – Our visions of Europe in the next ten years
Christmas cards sent by traditional mail
Don’t bully, act kindly, live happily (shortlisted for European eTwinning Award 2016)
Music Reflections – Our Meetings with Bach and Chopin
Europe’s Sweet Tooth (shortlisted for European eTwinning Award 2015)
Words: the art of communicating
Two schools, two towns – one Europe